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Traveling Moda show...

Traveling Moda show...

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Traveling circus?  As if!?


There's no way we could fit all of our stuff into these two trailers.  We shipped five crates, and rumor has it there might be a boat involved.

Today is a traveling day for about a dozen of us - we are the set-up crew.  I think "Advance Team" sounds quite a bit cooler but since I'm not in charge, I don't have a vote on such things.

Holly is in charge.


That's Holly in the top-right picture, sitting on the floor.  She's an awesome graphic designer at Moda - she designed and made the David Bowie quilt, fabrics and all sorts of other cool things.  While she and Lissa collaborated on the concept and layout of the booth, Holly does all the building of everything that will actually be in the booth.  I'd tell you more but it's supposed to be a surprise.  (Check back Friday morning.)

Holly's second-in-command is Juan - he and Holly know what needs to be done, and in what order.

Top-left:  Luis - you can just see him on the left / Juan - he's in the black shirt with his back to the camera / Holly / Jamie / Tammy in the very back by the crate

Bottom-left: Jamie and Tammy adjust the sign, tassels, banner... something.

Bottom-right: Joy and Josh doing I'm not really sure what.

I was on a Home Depot-run because the foot-base on one of the crates had broken.  And we needed a new lock.  And something else - I was given a list.  (Long story short - these pictures are from Fall Market in Houston last year.  I had driven there so I had a car - that got a flat tire in the hotel parking lot.)

Missing from these pictures are Ducky, Outlaw, Kelli, Erin and Steve.  They're all part of the set-up crew in Salt Lake City.  Most of the group are Moda Market Set-Up Crew veterans with at least a dozen Markets under their belts.  This is Tammy's fourth or fifth Market with Moda though she'd attended several as a shop-owner.  Joy and I are the still relative newcomers to the Moda Market scene, this will be the third Quilt Market with Moda for both of us.  (No, the dozen Quilt Markets I did on my own don't count because the scale and scope of this is quite different - meaning, much bigger.)

I'm not at all sure what I'll have for you tomorrow as there won't be much excitement today.  At least I hope there won't be.

If you're curious - this is what I wrote when we went to Minneapolis for Spring Quilt Market 2015.

Happy Tuesday!

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