Welcome to Moda Fabrics!
Moda String-Along!
Moda String-Along!
We be stringing!

We might have started a day early in the office because well... pictures. Sewing. Short week. One of those things.
Clockwise from upper left:
- Stiffy - our resident hand-appliqué and hand-piecing master is making string blocks using a sewing machine. And the coming-in-May 3 Sisters' collection Cinnaberry. (More on that soon.)
- That's a box of scraps left from the Color Cuts II samples.
- Joy! Our super-talented finished-product designer-creator is a new quilter and she made these two gorgeous string blocks using the coming-in-February Boro Wovens collection.
- Janet - machine-quilter/sample-maker/wearer of many hats dove into her BasicGrey Persimmon stash for her string blocks.
We've gotten a few questions and this is what you need to know...
Rules. There aren't any.
Make as many blocks as you like. Make them in any size that works for you. Use whatever size strips you like - all the same size, mixed sizes, random sizes, or create a pattern.

Our resident social media guru Anna brought in this a super-cool Meori foldable storage case filled with Jelly Roll and Honey Bun strips - 2.5" and 1.5" respectively - from Bonnie & Camille. Hello Darling, Smitten and Little Snippets. She's using the string-technique to make an original variation for her blocks.

Four blocks down, another eighty to go. Those cornerstones are from the coming-in-May Bonnie & Camille Wovens. (More on those soon.)

These are Brittany's strips. This is her first quilt and it's another variation on a string quilt - wide strips sewn in long rows. This is going to be so pretty - it's a mix of Lella Boutique's Sugar Pie and Garden Variety.
For finished projects, everybody found inspiration with searches on Pinterest and Google. Pictures were printed and calculations made by the resident mathy-pattern types.
We'll be sharing more pictures today on our Instagram and Facebook pages - @modafabrics on Instagram and Moda Fabrics on Facebook.
And be sure to check in with #modastringalong to see who is stringing-along with us. A few of the Moda designers are expected.
If you're stringing too - we'd love to see what you're making so post pictures of your strings, blocks and progress with the hashtag - #modastringalong.
Happy Friday!