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Summer in the Country: Pinwheel Parade
Summer in the Country: Pinwheel Parade
Pinwheels and summer go hand-in-hand, especially when they're in Red, Blue and White.
12" finished block
From Fabric A, Cut:
(10) 3” squares
(4) 4 ½” squares
From FabricS B, C, D, E and F Cut:
(2) 3” squares
NOTE: From background yardage you will cut (1) 3” x WOF strip; (1) 4½” x WOF strip for the above cuts.
Step 1: Half-Square Triangles (HSTs)
Draw a line along the diagonal of the WRONG SIDE of each 3” background square. With right sides together, layer one print square and one 3” background square. Sew ¼” away from each side of marked line. Cut along the marked diagonal line. Press to the print fabric and trim squares to 2 ½ ” square. Repeat to make (20) 2½” HSTs.
Step 2: Pinwheels
Using 4 matching HST, assemble pinwheel units as shown. Make (5) pinwheels, one of each print.
Pinwheels measure 4½” unfinished.
Join block units as shown. Trim block to 12½” unfinished size.
Susan Vaughan