Welcome to Moda Fabrics!
Blockheads 4 - Introduction
Blockheads 4 - Introduction
Wednesday, March 23. Block 1. By Lynne Hagmeier.
Blockheads 3 by Vanessa Goertzen.
What? You thought you'd get a sneak peek?
Blockheads 4. Here's what you need to know.
How many weeks? Twenty-eight. Blockheads 4 starts on Wednesday, March 23, and ends on Wednesday, September 28, 2022.
So twenty-eight blocks, right? No. There are twenty-eight Designer blocks, and eight Bonus blocks. Thirty-six seemed like a really good number, and it gives everyone a few options.
Each block pattern include two shading/color options so if you want more blocks, we have a few ideas for that.
When will each new block be released? New blocks will be released every Wednesday by 8:00 AM CST.
Blockheads 2 by Sherri McConnell.
Where do I find the link? The best place to start is Moda's Inspiration+Resources Center - here. We will be posting every Wednesday with the link to the instructions. For some blocks, the Moda post will share the Blockheads Designer's block, the story behind it, and the link to the instructions. But as it was before, mostly we'll share the blocks we've made and the link to the Blockheads Designer blog where the instructions can be found.
To sign up to receive Moda's weekly Blockheads blog post via e-mail - Moda Blog Newsletter Sign-Up.
The links can also be found on the Blockheads 4 Archive. (That will be updated every Wednesday and Friday.)
What about the Bonus blocks? Those will be shared on Moda's Inspiration+Resources Center on Fridays, every three to four weeks.
Blockheads 2 by Corey Yoder.
Tell me about the blocks. Each block can be made in two sizes - 9" finished and 4½" finished. A few are easily made in both sizes. Others... they'll be a bit challenging, but you know some folks will make them.
Yardage information? How much do I need. That depends on how many blocks you make, and which size.
Because this is a sampler quilt and cutting isn’t the most efficient, these yardage numbers are estimates, what we recommend. Note that the estimates are generous. (Very.) Sashings, borders, binding and backing are not included in this yardage estimate. (But that’s coming with the setting options.)
9” Blocks. For (36) blocks:
- Background - 2½ yards of a single background or 3 yards of multiple backgrounds.
- Assorted Mediums & Darks - 36 “sweet 16s” or Layer Cake squares.
4½” Blocks. For (36) blocks:
- Background - 1¼ yards of a single background or 1¾ yards of multiple backgrounds.
- Assorted Mediums & Darks - 18 “sweet 16s” or Layer Cake squares.
9” Blocks & 4½” Blocks - (72) blocks total:
- Background - 3¾ yards of a single background or 4 yards of multiple backgrounds.
- Assorted Mediums & Darks - 27 Fat Eighths or 54 “sweet 16s” or Layer Cake squares.
This yardage info on a PDF - Blockheads 4 Intro & Yardage
Blockheads 3 by Joanna Figueroa.
Setting Options? There will be several options coming! We know a few Blockheads Designers who have them in the works, and we've got a few to share too. (All of them will be linked in the Blockheads 4 Archive as they are posted.)
The first one to share is by Moda's Michelle White. In addition to being an awesome graphic designer, she is a quilter and designer. (She designed the My Favorite Color is Moda quilt, and all the graphics for Blockheads 4.)
Blockheads 4 Setting Option by Michelle White.
Moda Blockheads 4 Archive? That's been mentioned, but what is it? Every link for blocks, blog posts, setting options and errata will be posted to the Archive. It is updated every Wednesday and Friday.
- Wednesday - a picture of the new block, it’s name, and the designer - a link to blog post with the instructions - and any new setting options.
- Friday - a direct link to the pattern instructions - a link to Bonus blocks when those are added - any corrections or other information to share.
The archive can be found here - Blockheads 4 - Archive.
Wait! Who are this year's Blockheads? I'd write that we have a mix of "old and new" but oy... let it suffice to say we have familiar faces, returning faces, and several new faces. There are twenty-eight blocks, one for each of the Blockheads. We'll share the full list next Wednesday with Block 1.
So what have I forgotten?
If you're on social media, be sure to follow #modablockheads and #modablockheads4.
And if you're on Facebook, be sure to join the Moda Blockheads Group! Many of the Blockheads Designers will be there, sharing their blocks each week.
Are you ready?