Welcome to Moda Fabrics!
Quilt Market: A Different View
Quilt Market: A Different View
I introduced myself last May, just as I was on my way to spring Quilt Market in Minneapolis. Now I'm prepping to head to Houston, (on a jet plane, just like Moda's crates, though I'm coming from Iowa).
My visit to Market this time around will be a bit different, as I'm going to be the sole representative of the shop where I work—Home Ec Workshop in Iowa City. Our shop owner had a baby in September, a baby who wasn't due until Christmas. Little Leola Elizabeth (isn't that a great name?) weighed in at only a pound and a half, but she's doing quite well and has gained nearly a pound. Naturally her mom doesn't want to leave her, so I will be winging my way to Texas alone and looking for goodies for the shop.
I've been instructed to take lots of pictures and collect armloads of catalogs, brochures, and samples so that orders can be placed after I return. We live in a university town—the University of Iowa is here—and we have lots of students who come into our shop looking for a little stress relief and a break from the books. So I'm always interested in projects that can be completed in an evening or weekend afternoon class, like patchwork pillows or tote bags, and I'll be on the lookout for those kinds of patterns and projects.

Along with stitching quilts, bags, and home dec items, our customers love garment sewing, so I'm especially excited to check out new clothing patterns. (The Everyday Skirt is a perennial favorite at our shop.)
Embroidery is hot in our shop—I'll be on the lookout for new patterns and projects with stitching accents. (I love French General's patterns, like Joyeux Noel, and embroidery floss.)
We've also had some great projects, including Madeline Oberg's Budapest rucksack, made with Kraft Tex and I'm hoping to find more ways to use it, too.
And did I mention that I can’t wait to see all the new fabric? Well, I can’t.
While I'm looking forward to the eye candy, I also can't wait to see old friends (I hope Sandy Gervais and Jan Patek will still speak to me after I called them Moda's "oldest" designers) and meet some of those folks who I've talked with on the phone (or via email, like QuiltJane). I always sneak a peek at attendee’s name tags, in hopes of saying hi to shop owners I’ve “met” through interviews. If you’re at Market and see me, say hi—I’d love to meet you, too.
Finally, I look forward to touching base with Carrie and making plans for The Cutting Table. Speaking of which, are there things you'd be interested in reading about? Leave a note in the comments and I’ll put them on the “agenda” when Carrie and I touch base.